
Is ‘Being Tiger Woods’ Son’ Tough For ‘Charlie Woods The Golfer’?

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Being Tiger Woods‘ son bestowed Charlie Woods with popularity. But the privilege had demerits of its own. A lot of social media coverage and sometimes dealing with unruly fans could take a toll on a young golfer. Most importantly, expecting little Woods to follow in his father’s footsteps or repeat such golf history had been a lot to ask for.

Recently, rowdy fans troubled Charlie in a pre-qualifying round at the Palm Beaches. The 15-year-old shot 86 in the 18-hole event in a failed attempt to qualify for the Cognizant Classic. During the qualifying tournament, he was bothered a lot by the intervening crowd. Let’s take a look at what happened at the venue.

Charlie Woods got bothered in a pre-qualifying round

The PGA Tour sent a Getty Images photographer to cover Charlie Woods right from the moment he started playing at Palm Beaches. This could be quite distracting for a teenager like him who was trying to focus. As per reports, a lot of fans gathered at the pre-qualifier. Moreover, it was unlikely to see such a crowd at events like this, and it can be too much to deal with. The caricatures did not stop there; men were hiding behind the bushes to grab a drive and people were going too close to the Woods Jr. due to the fewer ropes in the pre-qualifiers. Spectators were also seen arguing with the official when they were asked to be behind the line.

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