‘Your Head Could Blow Off’: Tiger Woods Once Sternly Gave ‘I Don’t Care’ Advice to Son Charlie Woods to Help Him Concentrate

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Everyone’s father aims to teach his son a lesson he’ll remember for life. Tiger Woods is no exception. The golf legend shares a very close bond with his son, Charlie Woods. Both also share the love of golf. The golf pro once revealed an important lesson that he hoped to impart on his son about the sport.

Charlie has followed in his father’s footsteps and spends a lot of his time on the golf course. The 141-year-old has shown real promise, and Tiger, too, is more than impressed with his skill. They’ve played in three PNC Championships together so far. Even though they have yet to win one, they are grateful for the memories they have created.
Tiger believed that this was the biggest mistake anyone could make while playing the sport. He didn’t want his son to go down that path and said, “Son, I don’t care how mad you get.” Your head could blow off for all I care just as long as you’re 100 percent committed to the next shot.”
Charlie Woods

The 82-time PGA Tour winner wanted his son to learn the importance of focus in the game. He wanted Charlie to understand that with focus, he could achieve great heights. “That’s all that matters,” he explained to Charlie. He firmly explained to his son that letting one bad part of his game affect the rest of his game would only make things worse and that every shot needed to be played with conviction and concentration.

Tiger explains to Charlie the secret to improving his game

The gold-medal great went on to add to his lesson on focus and said, “That next shot should be the most important shot in your life.” He explained to Charlie that at that moment, nothing else should matter more than the shot he was playing—not the past nor the future.

“It should be more important than breathing,” Woods added, in an attempt to get his son to understand how strongly he meant his words. He also went on to tell him that once he did manage to get that concentration into his game, he would become much better.

Do you think Charlie now plays with this lesson in mind? And if so, will it help him achieve greatness like his father? Only time will tell.

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