Most Memorable Moments Between Tiger Woods and His Son Charlie Woods

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One of the most famous father-son duos in the sports world is certainly Tiger Woods and his son, Charlie Woods. On the 8th of February 2009, the golf legend and his ex-wife, Elin Nordegren, welcomed their second child and only son, Charlie Axel Woods, into the world. The boy is now 14 years old and has already garnered the attention of millions in the golf world. After all, he too has taken a liking to the sport, just like his father. The two have obviously spent a lot of time together out on the course, so let’s visit a few of those memorable moments.

Charlie Woods learns to swing like Tiger Woods at just 4 years old

Just like his father, Woods Jr. began his journey in golf at a very young age. He was only 4 years old when he was first spotted swinging a club. And his first teacher of course was Tiger himself“He just emulates what I do,” said the 82-time PGA Tour champion in 2013. “I’ll hit and he’ll hit, and his swing starts mimicking what I am doing.” So, while other kids played with crayons, Charlie had already started on the path of following in his father’s footsteps.

His first-ever golf tournament was the U.S. Kids Golf Competition in Florida, where the youngster shot a 55 for nine holes, placing second. Charlie now plays junior golf and is spotted on the course at many Hurricane Junior Golf Tour events and also in Junior PGA South Florida events. Last year, he also competed at the Notah Begay III Boys’ Junior Golf National Championship.

Like Father, Like Son: Tiger and Charlie Woods playing at the PNC Championship for 3 years straight

Besides his junior golf events, the youngster has also teed off at the PNC Championship alongside his father. The duo has competed three consecutive times in the event, first taking the course in December 2020. Charlie was only 11 at the time and was the youngest player ever to feature at the event. The duo finished 7th that year, but Tiger was just glad to have been able to play with his son. The following year, in 2021, too, the pair returned to the event. Despite his injuries that year after his unfortunate car crash, Tiger chose to play alongside Little Woods in Orlando. They even narrowly missed victory, placing 2nd and losing out to John Daly and his son, John Daly II.

2022 was the third time in a row that the father and son were featured at the event. This time, they were both playing through injuries. While Tiger suffered from a severe case of plantar fasciitis, Charlie had just rolled his ankle a day before the event. And the crowd watched in awe as the two limped on the course together. Indeed, a bonding moment like no other! Playing through their pain, the pair finished eighth at the event. But they almost certainly will return next year looking to take home the championship belts and their first win as a team.

A style copied exactly from his father, Tiger Woods

There is no doubt that Charlie looks up to his father and wants to be exactly like him. Why wouldn’t he? His father is, after all, a golf legend. And despite having a long way to go, little Woods is already on his way. Because he has been in the limelight recently, many little things about him have been noticed. And astonishingly many things he does are exactly like his father!

From the way Charlie swings his club to the way he mumbles hopefully as he watches the ball soar, it’s all a mini version of his father. Even the way he twirls his club, or stands on the course, or even rubs his nose, it’s all a facsimile of  Tiger’s mannerisms. His style, which he’s undoubtedly inherited from his dad, from the way he picks up his tee, to him pumping his fists in celebration all resemble his dad. Hopefully, his golf achievements will reflect his father one day as well! That is certainly what Charlie hopes.

Tiger Woods and Charlie Woods

Charlie being the prodigy to carry on his father’s legacy

Not only are young Woods’ style and technique like his father’s, but so are his resolve and skill. Ever since he played his first PNC championship in 2020, the public has taken note of how ridiculously gifted the gofer is. And with that observation comes the unspoken statement that he will take over his father’s legacy.

Time and again, he has proven how great of a command he has over the sport. Be it winning at junior events, or being one of the youngest competitors in ever-competitive fields, just like his father, Charlie too seems to want to be the best. And that drive is the first step to becoming a golf legend.

If the 14-year-old does choose to follow in his father’s footsteps, undoubtedly all eyes will be on him. But with his current skill and the way he’s progressing in the game, he certainly does have the potential to take on his father’s long list of accomplishments. And with the golf legend himself to guide him, there is no one better suited to be Tiger’s heir than his literal heir!

Tiger Woods is appreciative of his son’s presence on the field

There’s nothing more in this world that the 15-time major winner loves more than his children and spending time with them. And he has made that known multiple times in the past. With Charlie, however, the time they spend together is extra special; this is because the two share a love for golf. They have obviously, over the years, spent tons of time out on the course together. But for the golf legend, that will never be enough, because he loves that way of bonding with him.

At the 2023 PNC Championship too, when Woods was asked about his best experience with the event, his heart-warming response included Charlie. “Any time I get a chance to spend time with my son, it’s always special,” he said. The golf pro went on to call the last 3 years at the event “magical” because he got to play his favorite sport alongside his son “in a competitive forum.”

It certainly seems like we’ll be seeing a lot more of the duo at the PNC in the years to come. After all, they both enjoy it so much. And it’s the perfect coming-together of two things they love. And the fans surely hope that their 3-year streak continues!

Tiger Woods trains his son ruthlessly, but for his own good

Many have wondered how Charlie has gotten so good at such a young age. And the answer is simple: Tiger Woods. The golf legend trains his son and never goes easy on him. He not only coaches him on his swing and technique, but also tests him mentally, just like his father, Earl Woods, did for him.

The pro golfer wanted his son to be headstrong in addition to his golf skills. “If I can get into his head, that means someone else can get into his head,” he said during the Golf Channel broadcast of the Hero World Challenge. “It’s getting to a point where I can’t get in his head, and then no one else can get in there either.”

Woods explained that Earl trained him in that manner, and it worked wonders for him. As a result, he wanted Charlie to have a similarly strong mental resolve. “That’s what my dad believed in,” he stated. “You’ve got to be willing to take it.”

Charlie Woods is as popular as Shaquille O’Neal’s Sons

The sports world has unquestionably seen many father-son duos. And the children, through their fathers’ fame, automatically gain rapid popularity. And that’s exactly how it worked out for Charlie too. In fact, he’s now so well-known that he may be one of the most popular athlete-child out there. And this may prove to be the case very soon, making him millions.

Through NIL contracts related to his name, image, and likeness, Charlie could go on to earn ridiculous amounts of money. And we’re not the only ones who think so. “Charlie is in rare air, just from name recognition alone. He’s similar to Arch Manning, Bronny James, and even Shaquille O’Neal’s sons in that way,” said Sam Weber, the director of the NIL Platform Opendorse, in December 2022. “He’s probably looking at seven figures as soon as he’s eligible.”

And although his golf skills certainly help, they aren’t even a necessity for him to market himself. Just his last name is enough, as per Webber. “You can almost see the Nike commercial with the two of them,” he said. And boy, is he right. Charlie and Tiger together would definitely sell!

Which of the above is your favorite father-son moment? And do you think little Woods will go on to become a legend like his father? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.